Jumat, 21 Januari 2011

The Elements of Literature

Nora’s Blind Date

Hurt / Broken heart
Quotation :
Emma could only remember too well the hurt her best friend was feeling when five months previously she found out that her boyfriend of four years has met another girl on his trip to Singapore, and was all-too willing to throw their long standing relationship out of the window for this new-found girl. Nora has crumbled like a building being hit by a nuclear missile, torn into a million of unrecognizable shards.
(column C, paragraph 2, page 1) 

Regretful Always Comes in The End
Quotation :
He started at her, at her flushed face, her fiery eyes. She had never looked so beautiful. Suddenly he was hit with a wave of intense regret, how could he let such a lovely girl like her ago? He shook his head, berating himself for being so stupid. (column C, last paragraph, page 3-4) 
… “ Well, okay. Listen, it took me so long, but I realize it now. I’ve made a mistake. There’s never any moment when I don’t regret my decision to leave you. We are so happy when we were together, weren’t we, Nora? If you don’t mind, I’d like to experience that happiness again. With you.”
(column A, paragraph 8, line 4-11, page 4) 

Point of View
Third-Person Omniscient Point of View
Quotation :
Nora suppressed a smile, thinking about the sweet e-mails he has sent her and also the nice phone conversations they recently found were more satisfying.(column A, paragraph 3, page 1) 
Emma could only remember too well the hurt her best friend was feeling when five months previously she found out that her boyfriend of four years has met another girl on his trip to Singapore, and was all-too willing to throw their long standing relationship out of the window for this new-found girl…
(column C, paragraph 2, line 1-8, page 1) 
He started at her, at her flushed face, her fiery eyes. She had never looked so beautiful. Suddenly he was hit with a wave of intense regret, how could he let such a lovely girl like her ago? He shook his head, berating himself for being so stupid.(column C, last paragraph, page 3-4) 
1. Parts of Plot
Quotation :
Nora painstakingly wept a thin layer of pink blush on the apple of her cheek, blended it with her brush, extremely careful not to lay it on too thick. She wanted to opt for the unnatural look, avoiding the polished or too-made up look. She wanted Ryan to get to know the real her, and that included her way with cosmetic.
“So, tell me about this Ryan,” Emma, her best friend, asked from where she was lying in the bed. “Why him, and not all of those other guys who also answered your ad?” (setting of place)
Nora suppressed a smile, thinking about the sweet e-mails he has sent her and also the nice phone conversations the recently found were more satisfying. “The first think I’ve noticed about him was his love of books,” she replied, applying a second coat of lipstick on her lips. “Then, after several e-mails and phone calls, I found out that he’s very easy to talk to, and he has a vast knowledge on myriad subjects.”
(column A-B, paragraph 1-3, page 1) 

b.Inciting Incident
Quotation :
… They were indulging in a hot discussion about science fiction stories when suddenly a shadow was looming over their booth, blocking the sunlight from the window. Both Nora and Ryan looked up to see who the intruder was, and she took a sharp intake of breath when she saw who it was. (column B, last paragraph, page 3) 
“Hello, Nora. My, my … you’re looking so pretty today.”
She stared at Simon, who was smiling down at her, and for once she was at a complete loss of words. It was Ryan who quickly regained the control of the situation. “Hello, I’m Ryan,” he extended his hand to Simon. “I take it you’re Nora’s friend?”
“Ex-boyfriend,” Simon countered, with an emphasis on the word ‘boyfriend’. He received Ryan’s offer of a handshake but quickly let it go as if afraid he might catch a disease from the other guy. “And you are …?” he asked, a bid condescendingly.
“Her date,” Ryan smiled genially, as though he didn’t notice Simon’s open disgust toward him. “Do you want to sit down and joint us?”
“ No, no!” at last Nora found her voice, and used it to protest to Ryan’s idea. What do you want, Simon?” her eyes slanted dangerously at the standing guy.
(column C, paragraph 1-5, page 3) 
“…, Where’s Laura?” she asked. Laura was the girl he dumped her for.
He shrugged. “It’s all over between us. She’s not who I thought she was.”
His information hit her like a blow to the heads. She sat there nailed to her seat, not knowing what to say or do. “I’ve been battling myself for weeks now. I wanted to call you, to ask how you are, but I wasn’t sure you’d accept my call,” he trudged on.
(column A, paragraph 3-4, page 4) 

Quotation :
“… .Look, Nora … ehm .. you think we could talk somewhere else?” he made an obvious gesture toward Ryan.
But she shook her head. “No. If you’d like to say something, just say it. Here.”
(column A, paragraph 6-7, page 4) 

d.Raising Action
Quotation :
Simon glanced at Ryan, shooting him a look which mixed hesitation with disgust. “Are you sure?” he asked her. She nodded. He sighed. “Well, okay. Listen, it took me so long, but I realize it now. I’ve made mistake. There’s never any moment when I don’t regret my decision to leave you. We were so happy when we were together, weren’t we, Nora? If you don’t mind, I’d like to experience that happiness again. With you.”
She started at him, couldn’t really comprehend what he was saying t her. What was that .. he wanted her back? He wanted her to forgive him and let him into her life again? Was that what he was saying?
(column A, paragraph 8-9, page 4) 

Quotation :
“I’m so sorry if I’ve hurt you, Nora. I’d do everything in my power to make it up to you. Anything. Just name it,” he added, the hint of a mile appearing on his lips. He was sure she’d take him back. After all, he had made her so happy for four years. Only a crazy girl wouldn’t want to take a chance in regaining that kind of happiness with him.
“Yes, Simon. There’s actually something I’d like you to do for me,” she said.
He smile grew wider. See? She’d come running, he knew that. All he had to do was to ask, and she was putting in his hand. “Yes, Nora?”
“Get out of my face.”
She said it with such calmness and in an unwavering voice that for a second he thought he has misheard. “I beg your pardon?” he asked for a confirmation.
“I said, get out of my face. You’ve caused me enough hurt already, I don’t want to give you any chance to inflict more. So, thank you for your offer, and I’d like yu to leave me alone. Please. Now,” she added when he still haven’t made any move. She kept her tone polite but firm, leaving no room for him to doubt.
(column B, paragraph 1-7, page 4) 

f.Falling Action
Quotation :
He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again when he noticed the quiet determination on her face. He looked at Ryan, who challenged his gaze with a steady stare of his own, neither hostile nor friendly, just steadfast. Then He turned to Nora again, trying to find any silver of the image of the meek, compliant girl he used to date for four years.
(column B, paragraph 7, page 4) 
Quotation :
Simon turned around brusquely without saying without so much as goodbye, and slipped out of the restaurant. Nora turned back to Ryan, not saying anything, but conveying her apology through her eyes.
(column C, paragraph 2, line 1-5, page 4) 

Quotation :
He reached his hand to cover hers. “Are you okay?” he asked softly.
(column C, paragraph 1, line 5-7, page 4) 
She looked up to meet his eyes, and smiled shyly. “I’m sorry you get caught up in all this mess,” she said. His hand felt so strong and warm enveloping her hand like that.
“Don’t worry about it. I’m jus sorry you have to experience this kind of problem. I’d like to help you in anyway I can,” he said sincerely.
(column C, paragraph 2-3, page 4) 
“Tell me more about that Dean Koontz book you’ve just finished,” she smiled at him, picking up her dessert spoon. “And finish your ice cream, it’s turning into a mush.”
(column C, last paragraph, page 4) 

2. Types
Closed Plot
Quotation :
She started into his dark brown eyes, the eyes she had seen so often in her subconscious dreams, the ones that could impose serenity in her soul. Just one look told her she had made the right decision.
( column C, paragraph 4, page 4) 

3. Varied
Quotation :
The restaurant was already well into its lunch rush hour when Nora walked through the revolving door. She had deliberately opted for a lunch date rather than dinner one. She felt safer with the sun on her side. And if Ryan was really the guy she thought was, they could always extend the date to reach dinner time.
(column B, paragraph 3, page 2) 
1. Types
 Nora
Quotation :
“Well, okay, I’m off now.” Nora stood up, storing her cosmetic paraphernalia back into her make-up box. “Thank you, once again, for doing what you’ve done for me.”
(column B, paragraph 1, page 2) 
 Emma
Quotation :
“No problem,“ Ema smiled, hugging her friend, “Good luck with everything.”
(column B, paragraph 2, page 2) 

 Ryan
Quotation :
“Hello, I’m Ryan,” he extended his hand to Simon. “I take it you’re Nora’s friend?”
(column C, paragraph 2, line 5-7, page 3) 
 Simon
Qutation :
“Ex – boyfriend,” Simon countered, with an emphasis n the word ‘boyfriend’.
(column C, paragraph 3, line 1-3, page 3) 

 Ryan
Quotation :
“Don’t worry about it. I’m just sorry you have to experience this kind of problem. I’d like to help you in anyway I can,” he said sincerely.
(column C, paragraph 3, page 4) 

 Simon
Quotation :
“I’m sorry if I’ve hurt you, Nora. I’d do everything in my power to make it up to you. Anything. Just name it,” he added, the hint of a smile appearing on his lips...
(column B, paragraph 1, line 1-5, page 4) 

d.Major Character
 Nora
Quotation :
“You know, I should thank you profusely for putting that personal ad on the paper. At least now I have someone to go out on a date with,” Nora smiled.
(column C, last paragraph, page 1) 
“ No, no!” at last Nora found her voice, and used it to protest to Ryan’s idea. What do you want, Simon?” her eyes slanted dangerously at the standing guy.
(column C, paragraph 1-5, page 3) 
“Thank you. What do you want?” she was still throwing him harsh looks.
(column C, paragraph 11, page 3) 
But she shook her head. “No. If you’d like to say something, just say it. Here.”
(column A, paragraph 7, page 4) 
“Yes, Simon. There’s actually something I’d like you to do for me,” she said.
(column B, paragraph 2, page 4) 
“Get out of my face.”
(column B, paragraph 4, page 4) 
… Nora turned back to Ryan, not saying anything, but conveying her apology through her eyes. …
(column C, paragraph 1, line 3-5, page 4) 
“Tell me more about that Dean Koontz book you’ve just finished,” she smiled at him, picking up her dessert spoon. “And finish your ice cream, it’s turning into a mush.”
(column C, last paragraph, page 4) 

e.Minor Character
 Emma
Quotation :
“Definitely your kind of guy,” Emma bobbed her head, grinning. “Don’t tell me … he has an IQ of 150 and go to genius collage?”
(column B, paragraph 1, page 1) 
“It’s a respectable column, “Emma said to defend herself. “Not just your average, run of the mill column where the people are desperate. People who advertise there and who answer the ads are educated and decent. And I didn’t exactly say you’re looking for compatible partners to share your mind with.”
(column A, paragraph 2, page 2) 
“No problem”, Emma smiled, hugging her friend. “Good luck with everything.”
(column B, paragraph 2, page 2) 

2. Characterization
Analytic Method : Round Character (Braver)
Quotation :
“I said, get out of my face. You’ve caused me enough hurt already, I don’t want to give your any chance to inflict more. So, thank you for your offer, and I’d like to you to leave me alone. Please. Now,” she added when he still haven’t made any move. She kept her tone polite but firm, leaving no room for him to doubt.
(column B, paragraph 6, page 4) 
Oh, maybe Ryan would turn out to be so wrong for her somehow, maybe he wasn’t really The One for her in the end. But he had made her realized that there certainly were better things than what she had gotten from her better things than what she had gotten from her four-year relationship with Simon. Wasn’t that the same reasn why Simon dumped her, because he thought he’s fund someone better? Well, if it worked for him, then why should she deny herself the chance of exploring the endless possibility that was available for her?
(column C , paragraph 5, page 4) 

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