This chapter consists of two subdivisions; they are background of the problem and research problem. As following they are presented:
Background of the Problem
Depression is a state of low mood. Depressed people may feel sad, anxious, empty, hopeless, helpless, worthless, guilty, irritable or restless. They have no any interesting sense, uninterested for doing activities that once were pleasurable, experience loss of appetite, or problems concentrating, remembering details or making decisions; and may contemplate or attempt suicide. Insomnia, excessive sleeping, fatigue, loss of energy, pains or digestive problems that are resistant to treatment may be present.
The writers are very interested in Oliver Twist, as its book is very well known that time. Moreover Oliver Twist has been the subject of most film and television adaptations, and is still the basic for a highly successful musical play, and the multiple Academy Award winning 1968 motion picture Oliver!
Oliver Twist is the second novel by Home author Charles Dickens, published by Richard Bentley in 1838. Its book exposed the Cruel Treatment of many a waif-child in London, which Increased international concern in what is sometimes known as "The Great London Waif Crisis": a number of orphans in London in the Dickens era.
The writers are interest in analyzing Oliver Twist since its novel is notable for Dickens' unromantic portrayal of criminals and their sordid lives. So he gets several problems and conflict while he is trying to get his freedom.
Depression is a major risk factor for suicide. The deep hopelessness that goes along with depression can make suicide feel such as the only way to escape the pain. Thoughts of death or suicide are a serious symptom of depression, so take any suicidal talk or behavior seriously.
Here in Oliver Twist, depression feeling appears from beginning until the end of its story therefore the writer is interested in making a study of depression feeling.
1.2 Research Problem
In this part the writers formulate three problems. They can be seen bellow :
1.What are the symptoms of Oliver Twist’s depression?
2.What are the causes of Oliver Twist’s depression?
3.How are the effects of Oliver Twist’s depression?
This chapter consists of Literary Appreciation, Character, Conflict and Depression. The explanation can be seen below :
2.1 Literary Appreciation
Literary appreciation refers to the evaluation of works of imaginative literature as an intellectual or academic exercise (Ogunlewe, 2006: 88-91).
It is a process by which a reader interprets, evaluates or classifies a literary work with a view to determining the artistic merits or demerits of such a work. Sometimes, literary appreciation is also referred to as literary criticism, literary exegesis, textual analysis or practical criticism, the last term being a reference to only one aspect of the exercise, for, theory is implicit in any practice.
Based on the theory above, the writer concludes that appreciation of literature is base on understanding that literature is useful in the literature. There are values of life and have a sensivity feeling to problem of live. By reading literature we can getting the message and understand the character that exist in the literature. Social themes of poverty was raised in a variety event. Oliver twist popular because Charles Dickens lived in poor society and the life of childhood unhappy have a strong character in this novel.
Literature doesn’t automatically emerged in the process creation, the author establish the various constituent elements. This is party to the fact that for the present reading public Charles Dickens practically the only of his long line that is read at all. Dickens mixed up with the old material, material so subtly modern, so made of the Industrial Revolution, that the whole transformed. If we want the best example of this is Oliver Twist. Relatively to the other work of Dickens. Oliver Twist is not of great value but it is of great importance, some parts of it are so crude and so clumsy a melodrama.
2.2 Character
The definition of character in literary work, each person, or each animal or subject treated like a person, is called a character. While characterization ( Jones, 1968: 84-85 ) is the act of introducing and developing characters in such a way as to make them real or believable.
There are two kinds of character :
A flat character, usually a minor one in the novel is constructed around a single idea or quality. His personality can often be expressed in a single sentence, and remains a type.
A round character, is a great achievement than flat character. A round character must be himself, an individual and he must be fitting his role. The round character must changes.
The function of this theory is to identify the characters of Oliver Twist’s Depression. By using this theory the writers can find Oliver Twist’s depression easily. Therefore the character can support the discussion.
2.3 Conflict
The definition of conflict is given to the kind of action in a novel or drama. Conflict appeals to the emotion of the reader, his feeling of joy and sorrow, pity or anger. It must make him feel.
According to Edward H. Jones, there are three kinds of conflicts. There are:
Physical conflict, between human being against the nature. It means that between human being against the nature in physical conflict. Because physic against physic. We mean here that someone that have a physic form against the nature. For the example : “When Oliver he headed for the London, he was completely exhausted. He had slept in the fields.” (Dickens, 2000:16)
Social conflict, between human being against another. It means that human against another human being. For example : “Oliver went deep red with anger, stood up, knocked over a chair and jumped on Noah. He hit Noah so hard that Noah fell down.” ( Dickens, 2000:13)
Psychological conflict, a conflict between her mind. It means that inside of human mind there is a conflict that he/ she has to decide and to solve. For example : “He(Oliver) thought about what he had been told if he complained. He would be sent to sea. To be sent to sea in Oliver’s time meant the captain could log him to death or knock his brains out with an iron bar for even a very small mistake. With these thoughts in his head Oliver entered the undertaker’s shop. It was closing time.” (Dickens, 2000:11)
This theory is to identify the conflict of Oliver Twist’s Depression. The writers conclude that Oliver Twist has social and psychological conflict, because he has conflict with his boss at the workhouses and the thief like (Fagin, Dodger, Charley Bates, Bill Sikes).
2.4 Depression
Depression is a physiological problem that can happen to everyone, children or adult. The levels of these can be influenced by, among other things, physical illnesses, genetics, hormonal changes, medications, aging, brain injuries, seasonal/light cycle changes, and social circumstances.
The Sign and Symptoms of Depression
Symptoms is an indication of a disease or other disorder, especially one experienced by patient. Everyone can be ill over a long period which has been signed by some symptoms. They can be seen bellow :
1)Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness.
A bleak outlook, nothing will ever get better. There is nothing you can do to develop your situation.
2)Loss of interest in daily activities.
You will have no interesting in hobbies, past times, social activities of sex or gender. You’ve lost your ability to feel joy and pleasure in your life.
3)Appetite or weight changes.
The sense of weight loss or weight gain, a change of your body 5% weight in a month.
4)Sleep changes.
Insomnia, especially waking in the early hours of the morning, or oversleeping (also known as hypersomnia).
5)Irritability or restlessness.
Feeling restless. Your tolerance level is low; everything and everyone gets on your nervous.
6)Loss of energy.
Feeling fatigued and physically drained. Your whole body may feel heavy, and even small tasks are exhausting or take longer to complete.
Strong feelings of worthlessness or guilt. You harshly criticize yourself for perceived faults and mistakes.
8)Concentration problems.
Trouble focusing, making decisions, or remembering things, talking about killing or harming one’s self.
9)Unexplained aches and pains.
An increase in physical complaints such as headaches, back pain, aching muscles, and stomach pain.
Depression Causes and Risk Factors
Experts believe that depression is caused by a combination of biological, psychological, and social factors. In other words, your lifestyle choices, relationships, and coping skills matter just as much—if not more than genetics. However, certain risk factors make you more vulnerable to depression. So, cause is a reason or grounds for doing or feeling something. They can be seen bellow :
Causes and Risk Factors for Depression
Loneliness is therefore a subjective experience, if a person thinks they are lonely, then she/he is lonely. People can be lonely while in solitude or in the middle of a crowd.
2)Social isolation
Becoming cut off from family and friends may increase your risk of depression, or it may be a response to feeling depressed as the downward spiral takes hold.
3)Stressful life events
Most people take time to come to terms with stressful events, such as bereavement or a relationship breakdown. When these stressful events happen, you have a higher risk of becoming depressed if you stop seeing friends and family and try to deal with problems on your own.
4)Childhood trauma or abuse
Childhood traumas lie at the root of most long-term depression and anxiety, and many emotional and psychological illnesses.
The Effects of Depression
The effect is a change or changed state occurring as a direct result of action by somebody or something else. The negative effects of depression unhealthy behaviors or attitudes actually indications of depression. See the effect for some of the ways in an attempt to cope with their emotional pain. They can be seen bellow:
The Effects of Depression
1)Running away
Many depressed teens run away from home or talk about running away. Such attempts are usually a cry for help.
Cutting, burning, and other kinds of self-mutilation are almost always associated with depression.
Some depressed teens (usually boys who are the victims of bullying) become violent. As in the case of the Columbine school massacre, self-hatred and a wish to die can erupt into violence and homicidal rage.
Teens who are seriously depressed often think, speak, or make "attention-getting" attempts at suicide. Suicidal thoughts or behaviors should always be taken very seriously.
5)Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness
A bleak outlook—nothing will ever get better and there’s nothing you can do to improve your situation.
In this chapter we are going to discuss about the symptoms, causes and effects of depression which is undergone by the main character. There are many symptoms, causes and effects of depression. Our group will give description about each evidence which show the symptoms, causes and effects of depression undergone in Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens.
3.1 The Symptoms and The Causes of Depression Undergone in Oliver Twist
Evidence 1
But despite this tender Christian care by the Christian authorities Oliver did reach his ninth birthday. He was celebrating this, locked in the coal cellar, when Mr. Bumble, the beadle, arrived. Oliver and his friends had been beaten and locked up for complaining of hunger.(Dickens, 2000:5 )
It can be indicated that Oliver Twist undergoes appetite or weight changes. Oliver was born in a workhouse, his mother died there the day he was born. Oliver became a parish child. After his birth, he was sent out to live with an old lady(Mrs. Mann). Oliver trained to live on almost nothing. So, he seems so thin. His face is looked so pale. Because he is in a big a hunger. Then his complaining of hunger means that he never gets enough food to eat.
It can be indicated that Oliver Twist undergoes social isolation.
As he is locked in the coal cellar just because of his complaining of hunger( He traits to live on almost nothing, even though in his ninth birthday he finds nothing to eat).
Evidence 2
At the workhouse Oliver met the board. They quickly decided he was a fool. Oliver had been frightened and so did not answer his name clearly enough for them. He was told to start work early the next morning. (Dickens, 2000:7)
It can be indicated that Oliver Twist undergoes loss of interest. Although the board never meet him before. They quickly decides him as a fool boy. That situation makes him uncomfortable with everything around him( the atmosphere, the people and the activities).
It can be indicated that Oliver Twist undergoes social isolation. The new situation makes him uncomfortable especially after he decides as a fool boy in his new workhouse at their first time meet. He scares with almost everybody there. So, he nervous and can’t answer his name clearly when they ask him.
Evidence 3
. . . He(Oliver) thought about what he had been told if he complained. He would be sent to sea. To be sent to sea in Oliver’s time meant the captain could log him to death or knock his brains out with an iron bar for even a very small mistake.
With these thoughts in his head Oliver entered the undertaker’s shop. It was closing time. (Dickens, 2000:11)
It can be indicated that Oliver Twist undergoes self-loathing. As he had been told if he complains, he will be sent to the sea. And he really know what does “to be sent to the sea” mean. Then because of his complaining of hunger to Mrs. Mann, he is sent out to Mr. Bumble. And now, he is leased to Mr. Sowerbury with the same reason.
It can be indicated that Oliver Twist undergoes recent stressful life event. As we pay attention to that quotation, when he really understands what is “to be sent to the sea” meant. He feels so scare to complain of food for the next time.
Evidence 4
. . . He (Noah) teased Oliver whenever he could. Oliver tolerated a lot from Noah but he did not, however, tolerate the following episode:
“Hey you!” cried Noah. “ Your mother was awful.”
“What did you say?” asked Oliver.
“ A real bad sort!” continued Noah. “And it’s good she died when she did other wise she would have been transported.”
Oliver went deep red with anger, stood up, knocked over a chair and jumped on Noah. He hit Noah so hard that Noah fell down. …
(Dickens, 2000:13)
It can be indicated that Oliver Twist undergoes unexplained aches and pains. Because Oliver loves his mother very much, even though they never knows each other (his mother died in the day he was born). When Noah always teases him(by mocking Oliver’s mother), that is really hurtful for Oliver.
It can be indicated that Oliver Twist undergoes stressful live event in Mr. Sowerbury’s workhouse. Because Noah as his boss always teases him(by mocking Oliver’s mother) whenever he can. Although Oliver is tolerant but Noah doesn’t, so he hits him.
Evidence 5
Mr. Sowerbury now returned. He liked Oliver but his wife was angry and Mr. Bumble looked very strict so he had no choice but to take Oliver out of the cellar and beat him. This beating was followed by another one from his wife, who then sent Oliver into a back room for the rest of the day. (Dickens, 2000:15)
It can be indicated that Oliver Twist undergoes concentrations problems. Oliver makes Mrs. Sowerbury and Mr. Bumble angry, because Oliver hits Noah (Oliver is angry to Noah. Noah always teases Oliver by mocking his mother). Mrs. Sowerbury tries to stop it, but she can’t because Oliver has deep of anger. That situation stops when everyone is tired.
It can be indicated that Oliver Twist undergoes childhood trauma or abuse. After Oliver looks in the cellar Oliver also get bits, not only from Mr. Sowerbury but also from Mrs. Sowerbury and Mr. Bumble. After that also sent into a back room for the rest of the day. The conclusion is Oliver’s life is not treated rightly from his bosses.
Evidence 6.
He had for the London road as quickly as he could. London. In that big city even Mr. Bumble would not find him.
He got to London seven days later. He was completely exhausted. He had slept in fields. He had begged for food and spent his penny on a piece of bread. (Dickens, 2000:16)
It can be indicated that Oliver Twist undergoes feeling of helplessness, hopelessness and irritability or restlessness. Because Oliver just holding a bundle of clothes and a one-penny when he goes to London. He spent his penny for a piece of bread, he has no money left. After seven days long walk, without any food even more money anymore, he completely exhausted.
It can be indicated that Oliver Twist undergoes stressful live event. Oliver completely exhausts after his long journey. He has no food, drink, or anything left to get that. He just begs for food from everybody he meet. Until he is sleep in the fields because of his exhausted.
Evidence 7
In an instant Oliver understood everything. The jewels, the handkerchiefs, the watches. THE GAME. But there was one thing he did not understand, until it was too late. Like Dodger and Charley, he should have run away. Dodger and Charley were gone in a second down a side street, taking with them what they had stolen. Oliver moved only when the gentleman turned to look at him. That was too late because everyone now believed that he was the thief.
(Dickens, 2000:24-25)
It can be indicated that Oliver Twist undergoes concentration problems. Because his mind just focuses on the game that playing by Dodger and Charley. That game is very interesting at home. Until they playing it in the book shop, Oliver suddenly realize that it is the crime. But he is too late to think to run away.
It can be indicated that Oliver Twist undergoes stressful live event. He never realizes before that game is a crime, until it happen in the bookshop. He has to choose the right way, the best decision, to run away or not as like Dodger and Charley, who had run away before him. But unfortunately the gentleman look at him and think that he is the thief. So, every one now believe that he is a thief and tries to catch him.
Evidence 8
“They belong to Mr. Brownlow,“ cried Oliver, trying to wriggle free. His hands had been tied and he was now lying on the floor. “He will think that I stole them. You are not to take them. You must give them back. They were all so kind to me. Keep me here all my life if you want, but please send the books back.” (Dickens, 2000:46)
It can be indicated that Oliver Twist undergoes concentration problem. Oliver makes the best decision (he feels responsibility for Mr. Brownlow’s trust to sent the massage). So, he tries to wriggle free of his hands. He also tell them what his thinking of (to brings the massage back). He is ready take the risk, even more they kill him.
It can be indicated that Oliver Twist undergoes stressful live event. Because Mr. Brownlow wants him to sent a message and a notes to somebody. But unfortunately Bill and Nancy kidnaps him and takes him to their place. His hand ties and lying on the floor. When he begs to return it to Mr. Brownlow(he has to choose the right way), but no bodies ignore him.
Evidence 9
“Yes”, said Oliver, looking at the gun which Sikes was pointing at him.
“You’re coming with me, aren’t you?”, he asked.
“Yes”, mumbled Oliver.
“Without any noise?”, asked Bill.
“Yes”, replied the terrified Oliver. (Dickens, 2000:53)
It can be indicated that Oliver Twist undergoes feeling of hopelessness and helplessness. Because he can’t do anything to make him free, moreover when Shikes is pointing the gun at him. He realizes that no body, even Nancy can’t help him.
It can be indicated that Oliver Twist undergoes stressful live events. Because he has no choice with the gun in his head and no friend to fight them, especially with Shike’s gun on his head. So, he just does as they said.
Evidence 10
“Oh, please don’t make me to do this,” he begged Sikes. Sikes pointed the pistol at Oliver’s head.
“Now listen”, whispered Shikes. “I am going to put you through there. Go softly up the steps in the cellar, along the hall to the front door and open it. Quietly! Take this lantern with you,” said Sikes.
(Dickens, 2000:54)
It can be indicated that Oliver Twist undergoes feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. Oliver begs for his freedom to Shikes. Because in his deepest heart he doesn’t want to do that, but he does with Bill’s control. Especially with the gun at his heat.
It can be indicated that Oliver Twist undergoes childhood trauma or abuse. He is too young when all of that happen to him. He has many pressures and suicides from his boss (the owner of the workhouses), from every one around the book store, from the policeman, from the thieves and the hardest one is from Shikes, who always points the gun on his head to fear him.
3.2 The Effects of Depression Undergone in Oliver Twist
Evidence 1
But despite this tender Christian care by the Christian authorities Oliver did reach his ninth birthday. He was celebrating this, locked in the coal cellar, when Mr. Bumble, the beadle, arrived. Oliver and his friends had been beaten and locked up for complaining of hunger.(Dickens, 2000:5 )
It can be indicated that Oliver Twist undergoes violence. First, he trains to live on almost nothing with Mrs. Mann. And the second, he is locked in the coal cellar by Mrs. Mann. The conclusion is Mrs. Mann hasn’t treated him well.
Evidence 2
At the workhouse Oliver met the board. They quickly decided he was a fool. Oliver had been frightened and so did not answer his name clearly enough for them. He was told to start work early the next morning. (Dickens, 2000:7)
It can be indicated that Oliver Twist undergoes violence. Because he scares (with everything around him, such as the board, whose quickly decides he is a fool, the uncomfortable atmosphere and so on) in that moment, he answers his name not clearly. So the next morning he must start work early than the others.
Evidence 3
But Oliver knew he was lucky. He might have gone to sea or have been hired out to a chimney seep. It was well-known that a chimney sweep’s boy did not live very long. Many were burned or choked to death when cleaning the chimneys of the rich people.(Dickens, 2000:12)
It can be indicated that Oliver Twist undergoes feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. He feels helplessness, because he know no one never help him if he complain again. Then he also feels hopelessness, because he feels hopeless in his life, for all of his disappointed moments. As he realizes that it is the best thing that he can get there. So he just thank full for that, better than death.
Evidence 4
This little episode stopped only when all were tired. I must add that Mrs. Sowerbury and Noah got tired long before Oliver. But Mrs. Sowerbury and Noah did, finally, get Oliver into the cellar.(Dickens, 2000:13-14)
It can be indicated that Oliver Twist undergoes self injury. Because he really realizes that his act (jump on Noah and bits him) will got hard consequence. It means the punishment waiting for him. The fact is Mr. and Mrs. Sowerbury hits him, Mr. Bumble also do that to him. He also sent to a back room for the rest of the day. Its really hard to forget it. But in his mind it’s equal with Noah’s action to him.
Evidence 5
Early the next morning Oliver decided to run away. As soon as it was light he opened the door to the street and stepped out to freedom. He was holding a bundle of clothes and a one-penny piece he had given by Mr. Sowerbury. Mr. Sowerbury had given Oliver that penny one day when Oliver especially helpful at a funeral.(Dickens :16)
It can be indicated that Oliver Twist undergoes running away. After all that happens he think to run from there. He can’t hold all that things around him (the situations makes him uncomfortable, his boss that never treats him rightly. From bits until lock him into the cellar, the terrible foods and so on) .
Evidence 6
He sat in the doorway of a shop. He believed his last hour had come. Someone dressed in very fancy clothes spoke to him. The boy’s name was Jack Dawkins, or as his friends – and enemies – called him : The Artful Dodger. (Dickens, 2000:16)
It can be indicated that Oliver Twist undergoes feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. After his long journey which less of rest, food and drink, until his last power he can’t do anything except sitting in the doorway and begs for any help before his death.
Evidence 7
After quite a chase Oliver was stopped by a punch on the mouth. He lay covered with mud and dust, bleeding from the mouth. The gentleman was dragged and pushed forward to identify Oliver. (Dickens, 2000:25)
It can be indicated that Oliver Twist undergoes violence. Because he gets a punch on the mouth for stopping his escaping of the people who had accused Oliver as the thief. After that the gentleman also drag and push forward him to identify Oliver.
Evidence 8
Oliver looked around desperately. He slipped free, jumped up and tried to run out of the door. He screamed for help. His voice only echoed into the big old house. He ran outside but was quickly followed by Fagin and the two boys. (Dickens, 2000:47)
It can be indicated that Oliver Twist undergoes running away. After he slipped free, he runs to the door and screams for help. He want to gets attention from anybodies outside the house. Unfortunately Fagin and two boys quickly catches him before he leaves that house.
Evidence 9
Nancy watched them go out into the dark night, and felt very sad. From that night Oliver would be a thief. If he told anyone what really happened to him. Bill would certainly shoot him in the back of the head.
(Dickens, 2000:53)
It can be indicated that Oliver Twist undergoes feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. Because from all of that happens he can’t do anything, if he tries to run away he will killed by Fagin and his friends. So, he just does what they told.
Evidence 10
Oliver decided that, even if he died in the attempt, he would rush up into the hall and make enough noise to wake up the sleeping people in the house. (Dickens, 2000:54)
It can be indicated that Oliver Twist undergoes suicide. After he gets in that rich house, he decides to wake-up all of the people in the house, even thought he will be caught by the owner of the house or die in the attempt. Even if he is back to the thief after do that thing, he’s ready t die in their hands (or with the Shike’s gun).
After the writers analyze the evidences and base on the findings, we conclude that depression is a state of low mood. There are seven symptoms of depression those are feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, loss of interest in daily activities, appetite or weight changes, irritability or restlessness, self-loathing, unexplained aches and pains, concentration problems. The dominant symptom is feelings of helplessness and hopelessness.
He had no one of any shelter in his live. He had no parents, he had no family that he know for the last he just know that Mr. Brownlow is his grandfather. The deep hopelessness that goes along with depression can make the suicide feel such as the only way to escape the pain. In this case we focus on Oliver Twist as our main character who always tries to get his freedom. It also help the writers in analyzing of causes and effect of Oliver Twist’s depression. Oliver Twist undergoes loneliness, social isolation, stressful life events, childhood trauma or abuse as the causes. The dominant causes is stressful life event, because he got so many things that make him in a deeper stress.
And the last, for the effects undergoes in Oliver Twist are running away, self-injury, violence, suicide, feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. The dominant effect is violence and feeling of helplessness and hopelessness. All of that effects has the positive and negative side for Oliver. But almost of that effect gives negative effect for him.
Dickens, Charles. 2000. Oliver Twist. Dian Rakyat.
Jones, Edward H. Jr. 2000. Outlines of Literature
Hidayat, Rahmad. 2010. Literature
Jumat, 21 Januari 2011
The Elements of Literature
Nora’s Blind Date
Hurt / Broken heart
Quotation :
Emma could only remember too well the hurt her best friend was feeling when five months previously she found out that her boyfriend of four years has met another girl on his trip to Singapore, and was all-too willing to throw their long standing relationship out of the window for this new-found girl. Nora has crumbled like a building being hit by a nuclear missile, torn into a million of unrecognizable shards.
(column C, paragraph 2, page 1)
Regretful Always Comes in The End
Quotation :
He started at her, at her flushed face, her fiery eyes. She had never looked so beautiful. Suddenly he was hit with a wave of intense regret, how could he let such a lovely girl like her ago? He shook his head, berating himself for being so stupid. (column C, last paragraph, page 3-4)
… “ Well, okay. Listen, it took me so long, but I realize it now. I’ve made a mistake. There’s never any moment when I don’t regret my decision to leave you. We are so happy when we were together, weren’t we, Nora? If you don’t mind, I’d like to experience that happiness again. With you.”
(column A, paragraph 8, line 4-11, page 4)
Point of View
Third-Person Omniscient Point of View
Quotation :
Nora suppressed a smile, thinking about the sweet e-mails he has sent her and also the nice phone conversations they recently found were more satisfying.(column A, paragraph 3, page 1)
Emma could only remember too well the hurt her best friend was feeling when five months previously she found out that her boyfriend of four years has met another girl on his trip to Singapore, and was all-too willing to throw their long standing relationship out of the window for this new-found girl…
(column C, paragraph 2, line 1-8, page 1)
He started at her, at her flushed face, her fiery eyes. She had never looked so beautiful. Suddenly he was hit with a wave of intense regret, how could he let such a lovely girl like her ago? He shook his head, berating himself for being so stupid.(column C, last paragraph, page 3-4)
1. Parts of Plot
Quotation :
Nora painstakingly wept a thin layer of pink blush on the apple of her cheek, blended it with her brush, extremely careful not to lay it on too thick. She wanted to opt for the unnatural look, avoiding the polished or too-made up look. She wanted Ryan to get to know the real her, and that included her way with cosmetic.
“So, tell me about this Ryan,” Emma, her best friend, asked from where she was lying in the bed. “Why him, and not all of those other guys who also answered your ad?” (setting of place)
Nora suppressed a smile, thinking about the sweet e-mails he has sent her and also the nice phone conversations the recently found were more satisfying. “The first think I’ve noticed about him was his love of books,” she replied, applying a second coat of lipstick on her lips. “Then, after several e-mails and phone calls, I found out that he’s very easy to talk to, and he has a vast knowledge on myriad subjects.”
(column A-B, paragraph 1-3, page 1)
b.Inciting Incident
Quotation :
… They were indulging in a hot discussion about science fiction stories when suddenly a shadow was looming over their booth, blocking the sunlight from the window. Both Nora and Ryan looked up to see who the intruder was, and she took a sharp intake of breath when she saw who it was. (column B, last paragraph, page 3)
“Hello, Nora. My, my … you’re looking so pretty today.”
She stared at Simon, who was smiling down at her, and for once she was at a complete loss of words. It was Ryan who quickly regained the control of the situation. “Hello, I’m Ryan,” he extended his hand to Simon. “I take it you’re Nora’s friend?”
“Ex-boyfriend,” Simon countered, with an emphasis on the word ‘boyfriend’. He received Ryan’s offer of a handshake but quickly let it go as if afraid he might catch a disease from the other guy. “And you are …?” he asked, a bid condescendingly.
“Her date,” Ryan smiled genially, as though he didn’t notice Simon’s open disgust toward him. “Do you want to sit down and joint us?”
“ No, no!” at last Nora found her voice, and used it to protest to Ryan’s idea. What do you want, Simon?” her eyes slanted dangerously at the standing guy.
(column C, paragraph 1-5, page 3)
“…, Where’s Laura?” she asked. Laura was the girl he dumped her for.
He shrugged. “It’s all over between us. She’s not who I thought she was.”
His information hit her like a blow to the heads. She sat there nailed to her seat, not knowing what to say or do. “I’ve been battling myself for weeks now. I wanted to call you, to ask how you are, but I wasn’t sure you’d accept my call,” he trudged on.
(column A, paragraph 3-4, page 4)
Quotation :
“… .Look, Nora … ehm .. you think we could talk somewhere else?” he made an obvious gesture toward Ryan.
But she shook her head. “No. If you’d like to say something, just say it. Here.”
(column A, paragraph 6-7, page 4)
d.Raising Action
Quotation :
Simon glanced at Ryan, shooting him a look which mixed hesitation with disgust. “Are you sure?” he asked her. She nodded. He sighed. “Well, okay. Listen, it took me so long, but I realize it now. I’ve made mistake. There’s never any moment when I don’t regret my decision to leave you. We were so happy when we were together, weren’t we, Nora? If you don’t mind, I’d like to experience that happiness again. With you.”
She started at him, couldn’t really comprehend what he was saying t her. What was that .. he wanted her back? He wanted her to forgive him and let him into her life again? Was that what he was saying?
(column A, paragraph 8-9, page 4)
Quotation :
“I’m so sorry if I’ve hurt you, Nora. I’d do everything in my power to make it up to you. Anything. Just name it,” he added, the hint of a mile appearing on his lips. He was sure she’d take him back. After all, he had made her so happy for four years. Only a crazy girl wouldn’t want to take a chance in regaining that kind of happiness with him.
“Yes, Simon. There’s actually something I’d like you to do for me,” she said.
He smile grew wider. See? She’d come running, he knew that. All he had to do was to ask, and she was putting in his hand. “Yes, Nora?”
“Get out of my face.”
She said it with such calmness and in an unwavering voice that for a second he thought he has misheard. “I beg your pardon?” he asked for a confirmation.
“I said, get out of my face. You’ve caused me enough hurt already, I don’t want to give you any chance to inflict more. So, thank you for your offer, and I’d like yu to leave me alone. Please. Now,” she added when he still haven’t made any move. She kept her tone polite but firm, leaving no room for him to doubt.
(column B, paragraph 1-7, page 4)
f.Falling Action
Quotation :
He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again when he noticed the quiet determination on her face. He looked at Ryan, who challenged his gaze with a steady stare of his own, neither hostile nor friendly, just steadfast. Then He turned to Nora again, trying to find any silver of the image of the meek, compliant girl he used to date for four years.
(column B, paragraph 7, page 4)
Quotation :
Simon turned around brusquely without saying without so much as goodbye, and slipped out of the restaurant. Nora turned back to Ryan, not saying anything, but conveying her apology through her eyes.
(column C, paragraph 2, line 1-5, page 4)
Quotation :
He reached his hand to cover hers. “Are you okay?” he asked softly.
(column C, paragraph 1, line 5-7, page 4)
She looked up to meet his eyes, and smiled shyly. “I’m sorry you get caught up in all this mess,” she said. His hand felt so strong and warm enveloping her hand like that.
“Don’t worry about it. I’m jus sorry you have to experience this kind of problem. I’d like to help you in anyway I can,” he said sincerely.
(column C, paragraph 2-3, page 4)
“Tell me more about that Dean Koontz book you’ve just finished,” she smiled at him, picking up her dessert spoon. “And finish your ice cream, it’s turning into a mush.”
(column C, last paragraph, page 4)
2. Types
Closed Plot
Quotation :
She started into his dark brown eyes, the eyes she had seen so often in her subconscious dreams, the ones that could impose serenity in her soul. Just one look told her she had made the right decision.
( column C, paragraph 4, page 4)
3. Varied
Quotation :
The restaurant was already well into its lunch rush hour when Nora walked through the revolving door. She had deliberately opted for a lunch date rather than dinner one. She felt safer with the sun on her side. And if Ryan was really the guy she thought was, they could always extend the date to reach dinner time.
(column B, paragraph 3, page 2)
1. Types
Quotation :
“Well, okay, I’m off now.” Nora stood up, storing her cosmetic paraphernalia back into her make-up box. “Thank you, once again, for doing what you’ve done for me.”
(column B, paragraph 1, page 2)
Quotation :
“No problem,“ Ema smiled, hugging her friend, “Good luck with everything.”
(column B, paragraph 2, page 2)
Quotation :
“Hello, I’m Ryan,” he extended his hand to Simon. “I take it you’re Nora’s friend?”
(column C, paragraph 2, line 5-7, page 3)
Qutation :
“Ex – boyfriend,” Simon countered, with an emphasis n the word ‘boyfriend’.
(column C, paragraph 3, line 1-3, page 3)
Quotation :
“Don’t worry about it. I’m just sorry you have to experience this kind of problem. I’d like to help you in anyway I can,” he said sincerely.
(column C, paragraph 3, page 4)
Quotation :
“I’m sorry if I’ve hurt you, Nora. I’d do everything in my power to make it up to you. Anything. Just name it,” he added, the hint of a smile appearing on his lips...
(column B, paragraph 1, line 1-5, page 4)
d.Major Character
Quotation :
“You know, I should thank you profusely for putting that personal ad on the paper. At least now I have someone to go out on a date with,” Nora smiled.
(column C, last paragraph, page 1)
“ No, no!” at last Nora found her voice, and used it to protest to Ryan’s idea. What do you want, Simon?” her eyes slanted dangerously at the standing guy.
(column C, paragraph 1-5, page 3)
“Thank you. What do you want?” she was still throwing him harsh looks.
(column C, paragraph 11, page 3)
But she shook her head. “No. If you’d like to say something, just say it. Here.”
(column A, paragraph 7, page 4)
“Yes, Simon. There’s actually something I’d like you to do for me,” she said.
(column B, paragraph 2, page 4)
“Get out of my face.”
(column B, paragraph 4, page 4)
… Nora turned back to Ryan, not saying anything, but conveying her apology through her eyes. …
(column C, paragraph 1, line 3-5, page 4)
“Tell me more about that Dean Koontz book you’ve just finished,” she smiled at him, picking up her dessert spoon. “And finish your ice cream, it’s turning into a mush.”
(column C, last paragraph, page 4)
e.Minor Character
Quotation :
“Definitely your kind of guy,” Emma bobbed her head, grinning. “Don’t tell me … he has an IQ of 150 and go to genius collage?”
(column B, paragraph 1, page 1)
“It’s a respectable column, “Emma said to defend herself. “Not just your average, run of the mill column where the people are desperate. People who advertise there and who answer the ads are educated and decent. And I didn’t exactly say you’re looking for compatible partners to share your mind with.”
(column A, paragraph 2, page 2)
“No problem”, Emma smiled, hugging her friend. “Good luck with everything.”
(column B, paragraph 2, page 2)
2. Characterization
Analytic Method : Round Character (Braver)
Quotation :
“I said, get out of my face. You’ve caused me enough hurt already, I don’t want to give your any chance to inflict more. So, thank you for your offer, and I’d like to you to leave me alone. Please. Now,” she added when he still haven’t made any move. She kept her tone polite but firm, leaving no room for him to doubt.
(column B, paragraph 6, page 4)
Oh, maybe Ryan would turn out to be so wrong for her somehow, maybe he wasn’t really The One for her in the end. But he had made her realized that there certainly were better things than what she had gotten from her better things than what she had gotten from her four-year relationship with Simon. Wasn’t that the same reasn why Simon dumped her, because he thought he’s fund someone better? Well, if it worked for him, then why should she deny herself the chance of exploring the endless possibility that was available for her?
(column C , paragraph 5, page 4)
Hurt / Broken heart
Quotation :
Emma could only remember too well the hurt her best friend was feeling when five months previously she found out that her boyfriend of four years has met another girl on his trip to Singapore, and was all-too willing to throw their long standing relationship out of the window for this new-found girl. Nora has crumbled like a building being hit by a nuclear missile, torn into a million of unrecognizable shards.
(column C, paragraph 2, page 1)
Regretful Always Comes in The End
Quotation :
He started at her, at her flushed face, her fiery eyes. She had never looked so beautiful. Suddenly he was hit with a wave of intense regret, how could he let such a lovely girl like her ago? He shook his head, berating himself for being so stupid. (column C, last paragraph, page 3-4)
… “ Well, okay. Listen, it took me so long, but I realize it now. I’ve made a mistake. There’s never any moment when I don’t regret my decision to leave you. We are so happy when we were together, weren’t we, Nora? If you don’t mind, I’d like to experience that happiness again. With you.”
(column A, paragraph 8, line 4-11, page 4)
Point of View
Third-Person Omniscient Point of View
Quotation :
Nora suppressed a smile, thinking about the sweet e-mails he has sent her and also the nice phone conversations they recently found were more satisfying.(column A, paragraph 3, page 1)
Emma could only remember too well the hurt her best friend was feeling when five months previously she found out that her boyfriend of four years has met another girl on his trip to Singapore, and was all-too willing to throw their long standing relationship out of the window for this new-found girl…
(column C, paragraph 2, line 1-8, page 1)
He started at her, at her flushed face, her fiery eyes. She had never looked so beautiful. Suddenly he was hit with a wave of intense regret, how could he let such a lovely girl like her ago? He shook his head, berating himself for being so stupid.(column C, last paragraph, page 3-4)
1. Parts of Plot
Quotation :
Nora painstakingly wept a thin layer of pink blush on the apple of her cheek, blended it with her brush, extremely careful not to lay it on too thick. She wanted to opt for the unnatural look, avoiding the polished or too-made up look. She wanted Ryan to get to know the real her, and that included her way with cosmetic.
“So, tell me about this Ryan,” Emma, her best friend, asked from where she was lying in the bed. “Why him, and not all of those other guys who also answered your ad?” (setting of place)
Nora suppressed a smile, thinking about the sweet e-mails he has sent her and also the nice phone conversations the recently found were more satisfying. “The first think I’ve noticed about him was his love of books,” she replied, applying a second coat of lipstick on her lips. “Then, after several e-mails and phone calls, I found out that he’s very easy to talk to, and he has a vast knowledge on myriad subjects.”
(column A-B, paragraph 1-3, page 1)
b.Inciting Incident
Quotation :
… They were indulging in a hot discussion about science fiction stories when suddenly a shadow was looming over their booth, blocking the sunlight from the window. Both Nora and Ryan looked up to see who the intruder was, and she took a sharp intake of breath when she saw who it was. (column B, last paragraph, page 3)
“Hello, Nora. My, my … you’re looking so pretty today.”
She stared at Simon, who was smiling down at her, and for once she was at a complete loss of words. It was Ryan who quickly regained the control of the situation. “Hello, I’m Ryan,” he extended his hand to Simon. “I take it you’re Nora’s friend?”
“Ex-boyfriend,” Simon countered, with an emphasis on the word ‘boyfriend’. He received Ryan’s offer of a handshake but quickly let it go as if afraid he might catch a disease from the other guy. “And you are …?” he asked, a bid condescendingly.
“Her date,” Ryan smiled genially, as though he didn’t notice Simon’s open disgust toward him. “Do you want to sit down and joint us?”
“ No, no!” at last Nora found her voice, and used it to protest to Ryan’s idea. What do you want, Simon?” her eyes slanted dangerously at the standing guy.
(column C, paragraph 1-5, page 3)
“…, Where’s Laura?” she asked. Laura was the girl he dumped her for.
He shrugged. “It’s all over between us. She’s not who I thought she was.”
His information hit her like a blow to the heads. She sat there nailed to her seat, not knowing what to say or do. “I’ve been battling myself for weeks now. I wanted to call you, to ask how you are, but I wasn’t sure you’d accept my call,” he trudged on.
(column A, paragraph 3-4, page 4)
Quotation :
“… .Look, Nora … ehm .. you think we could talk somewhere else?” he made an obvious gesture toward Ryan.
But she shook her head. “No. If you’d like to say something, just say it. Here.”
(column A, paragraph 6-7, page 4)
d.Raising Action
Quotation :
Simon glanced at Ryan, shooting him a look which mixed hesitation with disgust. “Are you sure?” he asked her. She nodded. He sighed. “Well, okay. Listen, it took me so long, but I realize it now. I’ve made mistake. There’s never any moment when I don’t regret my decision to leave you. We were so happy when we were together, weren’t we, Nora? If you don’t mind, I’d like to experience that happiness again. With you.”
She started at him, couldn’t really comprehend what he was saying t her. What was that .. he wanted her back? He wanted her to forgive him and let him into her life again? Was that what he was saying?
(column A, paragraph 8-9, page 4)
Quotation :
“I’m so sorry if I’ve hurt you, Nora. I’d do everything in my power to make it up to you. Anything. Just name it,” he added, the hint of a mile appearing on his lips. He was sure she’d take him back. After all, he had made her so happy for four years. Only a crazy girl wouldn’t want to take a chance in regaining that kind of happiness with him.
“Yes, Simon. There’s actually something I’d like you to do for me,” she said.
He smile grew wider. See? She’d come running, he knew that. All he had to do was to ask, and she was putting in his hand. “Yes, Nora?”
“Get out of my face.”
She said it with such calmness and in an unwavering voice that for a second he thought he has misheard. “I beg your pardon?” he asked for a confirmation.
“I said, get out of my face. You’ve caused me enough hurt already, I don’t want to give you any chance to inflict more. So, thank you for your offer, and I’d like yu to leave me alone. Please. Now,” she added when he still haven’t made any move. She kept her tone polite but firm, leaving no room for him to doubt.
(column B, paragraph 1-7, page 4)
f.Falling Action
Quotation :
He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again when he noticed the quiet determination on her face. He looked at Ryan, who challenged his gaze with a steady stare of his own, neither hostile nor friendly, just steadfast. Then He turned to Nora again, trying to find any silver of the image of the meek, compliant girl he used to date for four years.
(column B, paragraph 7, page 4)
Quotation :
Simon turned around brusquely without saying without so much as goodbye, and slipped out of the restaurant. Nora turned back to Ryan, not saying anything, but conveying her apology through her eyes.
(column C, paragraph 2, line 1-5, page 4)
Quotation :
He reached his hand to cover hers. “Are you okay?” he asked softly.
(column C, paragraph 1, line 5-7, page 4)
She looked up to meet his eyes, and smiled shyly. “I’m sorry you get caught up in all this mess,” she said. His hand felt so strong and warm enveloping her hand like that.
“Don’t worry about it. I’m jus sorry you have to experience this kind of problem. I’d like to help you in anyway I can,” he said sincerely.
(column C, paragraph 2-3, page 4)
“Tell me more about that Dean Koontz book you’ve just finished,” she smiled at him, picking up her dessert spoon. “And finish your ice cream, it’s turning into a mush.”
(column C, last paragraph, page 4)
2. Types
Closed Plot
Quotation :
She started into his dark brown eyes, the eyes she had seen so often in her subconscious dreams, the ones that could impose serenity in her soul. Just one look told her she had made the right decision.
( column C, paragraph 4, page 4)
3. Varied
Quotation :
The restaurant was already well into its lunch rush hour when Nora walked through the revolving door. She had deliberately opted for a lunch date rather than dinner one. She felt safer with the sun on her side. And if Ryan was really the guy she thought was, they could always extend the date to reach dinner time.
(column B, paragraph 3, page 2)
1. Types
Quotation :
“Well, okay, I’m off now.” Nora stood up, storing her cosmetic paraphernalia back into her make-up box. “Thank you, once again, for doing what you’ve done for me.”
(column B, paragraph 1, page 2)
Quotation :
“No problem,“ Ema smiled, hugging her friend, “Good luck with everything.”
(column B, paragraph 2, page 2)
Quotation :
“Hello, I’m Ryan,” he extended his hand to Simon. “I take it you’re Nora’s friend?”
(column C, paragraph 2, line 5-7, page 3)
Qutation :
“Ex – boyfriend,” Simon countered, with an emphasis n the word ‘boyfriend’.
(column C, paragraph 3, line 1-3, page 3)
Quotation :
“Don’t worry about it. I’m just sorry you have to experience this kind of problem. I’d like to help you in anyway I can,” he said sincerely.
(column C, paragraph 3, page 4)
Quotation :
“I’m sorry if I’ve hurt you, Nora. I’d do everything in my power to make it up to you. Anything. Just name it,” he added, the hint of a smile appearing on his lips...
(column B, paragraph 1, line 1-5, page 4)
d.Major Character
Quotation :
“You know, I should thank you profusely for putting that personal ad on the paper. At least now I have someone to go out on a date with,” Nora smiled.
(column C, last paragraph, page 1)
“ No, no!” at last Nora found her voice, and used it to protest to Ryan’s idea. What do you want, Simon?” her eyes slanted dangerously at the standing guy.
(column C, paragraph 1-5, page 3)
“Thank you. What do you want?” she was still throwing him harsh looks.
(column C, paragraph 11, page 3)
But she shook her head. “No. If you’d like to say something, just say it. Here.”
(column A, paragraph 7, page 4)
“Yes, Simon. There’s actually something I’d like you to do for me,” she said.
(column B, paragraph 2, page 4)
“Get out of my face.”
(column B, paragraph 4, page 4)
… Nora turned back to Ryan, not saying anything, but conveying her apology through her eyes. …
(column C, paragraph 1, line 3-5, page 4)
“Tell me more about that Dean Koontz book you’ve just finished,” she smiled at him, picking up her dessert spoon. “And finish your ice cream, it’s turning into a mush.”
(column C, last paragraph, page 4)
e.Minor Character
Quotation :
“Definitely your kind of guy,” Emma bobbed her head, grinning. “Don’t tell me … he has an IQ of 150 and go to genius collage?”
(column B, paragraph 1, page 1)
“It’s a respectable column, “Emma said to defend herself. “Not just your average, run of the mill column where the people are desperate. People who advertise there and who answer the ads are educated and decent. And I didn’t exactly say you’re looking for compatible partners to share your mind with.”
(column A, paragraph 2, page 2)
“No problem”, Emma smiled, hugging her friend. “Good luck with everything.”
(column B, paragraph 2, page 2)
2. Characterization
Analytic Method : Round Character (Braver)
Quotation :
“I said, get out of my face. You’ve caused me enough hurt already, I don’t want to give your any chance to inflict more. So, thank you for your offer, and I’d like to you to leave me alone. Please. Now,” she added when he still haven’t made any move. She kept her tone polite but firm, leaving no room for him to doubt.
(column B, paragraph 6, page 4)
Oh, maybe Ryan would turn out to be so wrong for her somehow, maybe he wasn’t really The One for her in the end. But he had made her realized that there certainly were better things than what she had gotten from her better things than what she had gotten from her four-year relationship with Simon. Wasn’t that the same reasn why Simon dumped her, because he thought he’s fund someone better? Well, if it worked for him, then why should she deny herself the chance of exploring the endless possibility that was available for her?
(column C , paragraph 5, page 4)
How to Make Delicious Fruit Cake
Fruit cake is the perfect cake-deeply spiced full of fruit. You can enjoy it with a cup of tea. It would be very delicious if it served as a meal when you gather with your family.
Planning a Head
Prepare the ingredients
200gr wheat flavor 250gr butter 100gr kismis and sukade
250gr smooth sugar 6 grain of eggs a few vanily and baking powder
1 plastic bowl 1 oven 1 brass
1 spooted 1 paper cake 1 mixer
The flavor
You can choose from assortment of modern flavor, usually we called “donan”, but remember that modern flavor is not always good for us. If you want to take the simple one, choose “Angsa Kembar”, but in this case you will need a quarter tea spoon of baking powder. And stir it with vanily also, until swell.
The fruit
What kinds of fruits? The choices are in your hands! You can get the most favorite dry fruit that your family like it so much, like kismis and sukade.
The eggs
Sometimes extra flavor is added to balance out a liquid redient, but in this case you can deceive with the eggs. How can it happen? Choose the smallest eggs as you could. Take six eggs, then two of six eggs, take the yoke only.
The brass
How to avoid the cake shoal? Shape the paper cake like the base of the brass. Selves the brass with butter and then sow flavor. Do the same way with the paper cake. The next, put the paper cake n the base of the brass.
To Make It!
1.Put the smooth sugar and butter in plastic bowl with mixer,and stir it until the color change into the white.
2.Put the eggs one by one into this mixture, shake it again for about four minutes with mixer.
3.Put the flavor and stir it,but remember don’t use mixer but use spooted because if you use mixer your dough will have undelicious result.
4. Put in the kismis and sukade, stir with spooted.
5.Put the dough to the brass.
6.Oven it with 180 degrees celcius for about 45 minutes.
7.After it done, lift up from the oven and leak the cake.
8.Slice the cake about two centimeters.
9.And the last serve with a cup of the.
Planning a Head
Prepare the ingredients
200gr wheat flavor 250gr butter 100gr kismis and sukade
250gr smooth sugar 6 grain of eggs a few vanily and baking powder
1 plastic bowl 1 oven 1 brass
1 spooted 1 paper cake 1 mixer
The flavor
You can choose from assortment of modern flavor, usually we called “donan”, but remember that modern flavor is not always good for us. If you want to take the simple one, choose “Angsa Kembar”, but in this case you will need a quarter tea spoon of baking powder. And stir it with vanily also, until swell.
The fruit
What kinds of fruits? The choices are in your hands! You can get the most favorite dry fruit that your family like it so much, like kismis and sukade.
The eggs
Sometimes extra flavor is added to balance out a liquid redient, but in this case you can deceive with the eggs. How can it happen? Choose the smallest eggs as you could. Take six eggs, then two of six eggs, take the yoke only.
The brass
How to avoid the cake shoal? Shape the paper cake like the base of the brass. Selves the brass with butter and then sow flavor. Do the same way with the paper cake. The next, put the paper cake n the base of the brass.
To Make It!
1.Put the smooth sugar and butter in plastic bowl with mixer,and stir it until the color change into the white.
2.Put the eggs one by one into this mixture, shake it again for about four minutes with mixer.
3.Put the flavor and stir it,but remember don’t use mixer but use spooted because if you use mixer your dough will have undelicious result.
4. Put in the kismis and sukade, stir with spooted.
5.Put the dough to the brass.
6.Oven it with 180 degrees celcius for about 45 minutes.
7.After it done, lift up from the oven and leak the cake.
8.Slice the cake about two centimeters.
9.And the last serve with a cup of the.
Cigarette’s Article
Everyone knows there has never been a positive impact on smokers. There is only an appeal and the appeal of the various parties to avoid cigarettes. Even the packaging has been warned. Like tar, nicotine, chemical substances and gases in cigarette smoke has the potential to grow the seeds of disease. Not only for active smokers but also passive smokers. It is already common knowledge. But many people are still of this earth who smoke.
According to one prospective cohort study of the effects of cigarette smoking bad for your health by Doll and Hill in England in 1951 until the 1990s. Study involving 34 349 respondents. Ten thousand villagers had died in the first periods of 20 years of research (1951-1971). While in the second 20 years (1971-1991) 10 000 others died. Doll and Hill reported illnesses caused by smoking include lung cancer, esophageal cancer, other respiratory cancers, chronic bronchitis and emphysema, pulmonary heart disease. So 58.07% of respondents have died from cigarettes over a period of 40 years.
Chemicals in cigarettes to give a lot of negative impact on human health. Tar as tobacco juice is brown substance containing various types of aromatic hydrocarbons, polycyclic, aromatic and N-amin nitroganisme. Tar produced by cigarette smoke will cause irritation to the respiratory tract. Tar causes bronchitis, nasopharyngeal cancer, and lung cancer. Toxic alkaloid nicotine is a substance which is a tertiary amin compound, weakly alkaline with a pH of 8.0. Cigarette smoke is generally acidic (pH 5.5). At this pH of the nicotine is in the form of ions across the membrane and can not be rapid. Nicotine can cause various cancers. Besides nicotine also affect the blood vessels that damage the endothelium and of thrombocyte thrombocyte with increased aggression. Carbon monoxide (CO) is a toxic gas that has a strong affinity of hemoglobin in red blood cells. If the carboxy hemoglobin is formed and reaches a certain level can cause death.
From one of the cigarette filter material found in the hemoglobin (blood protein) from pigs. Cigarette filter is intended to be more effective in capturing harmful chemicals, before entering the lungs of a smoker. This fact was disclosed researchers from Eindhoven, Holland, Christien Meindertsma. Then, supported by Prof. Public Health from the University of Sydney, Simon Chapman. Prof Chapman said the research was to tell the world about the secret manufacture of cigarettes and increase the awareness of Muslims and Jews. Chapman said, "The Jews and Muslims would be taking this very seriously, and also vegetarians."
According to one prospective cohort study of the effects of cigarette smoking bad for your health by Doll and Hill in England in 1951 until the 1990s. Study involving 34 349 respondents. Ten thousand villagers had died in the first periods of 20 years of research (1951-1971). While in the second 20 years (1971-1991) 10 000 others died. Doll and Hill reported illnesses caused by smoking include lung cancer, esophageal cancer, other respiratory cancers, chronic bronchitis and emphysema, pulmonary heart disease. So 58.07% of respondents have died from cigarettes over a period of 40 years.
Chemicals in cigarettes to give a lot of negative impact on human health. Tar as tobacco juice is brown substance containing various types of aromatic hydrocarbons, polycyclic, aromatic and N-amin nitroganisme. Tar produced by cigarette smoke will cause irritation to the respiratory tract. Tar causes bronchitis, nasopharyngeal cancer, and lung cancer. Toxic alkaloid nicotine is a substance which is a tertiary amin compound, weakly alkaline with a pH of 8.0. Cigarette smoke is generally acidic (pH 5.5). At this pH of the nicotine is in the form of ions across the membrane and can not be rapid. Nicotine can cause various cancers. Besides nicotine also affect the blood vessels that damage the endothelium and of thrombocyte thrombocyte with increased aggression. Carbon monoxide (CO) is a toxic gas that has a strong affinity of hemoglobin in red blood cells. If the carboxy hemoglobin is formed and reaches a certain level can cause death.
From one of the cigarette filter material found in the hemoglobin (blood protein) from pigs. Cigarette filter is intended to be more effective in capturing harmful chemicals, before entering the lungs of a smoker. This fact was disclosed researchers from Eindhoven, Holland, Christien Meindertsma. Then, supported by Prof. Public Health from the University of Sydney, Simon Chapman. Prof Chapman said the research was to tell the world about the secret manufacture of cigarettes and increase the awareness of Muslims and Jews. Chapman said, "The Jews and Muslims would be taking this very seriously, and also vegetarians."
How to Write an Article in 20 Minutes
Without our realize, we often receive information from an article. In fact, we become mesmerized by the author. Although we all know to start writing is the most difficult to handle. Many reasons that appear when you start to write. Starting from the lack of motivation or desire, lack of ideas or time, until you afraid to be assessed as a writer or writers amateur class. Do you know, that you can write an article in 20 minutes, using 400-500 words. So start from this moment to make yourself meaningful to other people through the articles that you have created.
Start with the most basic things, take a pen and paper. Choose the enjoy full place that you'll use to write your articles. Start with a warm-up writing. Sit comfortably and begin to write the ideas and concepts that you'll use. It will help you to drain another idea and develop it into one whole concept. After all decanted, start writing your check back. Add the things that need to be added, and lose the rest. Finally, give the best touch you to give an impression on the reader. It only took 5-7 minutes for each section, and all that could be resolved within 20 minutes.
Remember you have not finished writing up there. Because the ideas will keep coming with or without you realizing it. Do not separate too far with your pen and paper. Because the two small objects that will greatly assist you in collect the ideas that emerged. And develop them into a whole article. Maybe use a trick deadlines can also help, so you do not finish an article too long.
That's what We have to do to make a good article. Remember not to inform too much too soon, do it step by step. Use careful judgment when deciding how much information to share with someone else. The fact is that writing is easy, but coming up with the ideas is the though part.
Start with the most basic things, take a pen and paper. Choose the enjoy full place that you'll use to write your articles. Start with a warm-up writing. Sit comfortably and begin to write the ideas and concepts that you'll use. It will help you to drain another idea and develop it into one whole concept. After all decanted, start writing your check back. Add the things that need to be added, and lose the rest. Finally, give the best touch you to give an impression on the reader. It only took 5-7 minutes for each section, and all that could be resolved within 20 minutes.
Remember you have not finished writing up there. Because the ideas will keep coming with or without you realizing it. Do not separate too far with your pen and paper. Because the two small objects that will greatly assist you in collect the ideas that emerged. And develop them into a whole article. Maybe use a trick deadlines can also help, so you do not finish an article too long.
That's what We have to do to make a good article. Remember not to inform too much too soon, do it step by step. Use careful judgment when deciding how much information to share with someone else. The fact is that writing is easy, but coming up with the ideas is the though part.
Minggu, 02 Januari 2011
How to Make Fruit Cake?
How to Make Fruit Cake?
Fruit cake is the perfect cake-deeply spiced full of fruit. You can enjoy it with a cup of tea. It would be very delicious if it served as a meal when you gather with your family.
Planning a Head
Prepare the ingredients
200gr wheat flavor 250gr butter 100gr kismis and sukade
250gr smooth sugar 6 grain of eggs a few vanily and baking powder
1 plastic bowl 1 oven 1 brass
1 spooted 1 paper cake 1 mixer
The flavor You can choose from assortment of modern flavor, usually we called “donan”, mbut remember that modern flavor is not always good for us. If you want to take the simple one, choose “Angsa Kembar”, but in this case you will need a quarter tea spoon of baking powder. And stir it with vanily also, until swell.
The Fruit
What kinds of fruits? The choices are in your hands!You can get the most favorite dry fruit that your family like it so much, like kismis and sukade.
The Eggs
Sometimes extra flavor is added to balance out a liquid radiant, but in this case you can deceive with the eggs. How can it happen? Choose the smallest eggs as you could. Take six eggs, then two of six eggs, take the yoke only.
The Brass
How to avoid the cake shoal? Shape the paper cake like the base of the brass. Selves the brass with butter and then sow flavor. Do the same way with the paper cake. The next, put the paper cake n the base of the brass.
To Make It!
1. Put the smooth sugar and butter in plastic bowl with mixer, and stir it until the color change into the white.
2. Put the eggs one by one into this mixture, shake it again for about four minutes with mixer.
3. Put the flavor and stir it, but remember don’t use mixer but use spooted because if you use mixer your dough will have undelicious result.
4. Put in the kismis and sukade, stir with spooted.
5. Put the dough to the brass.
6. Oven it with 180 degrees celcius for about 45 minutes.
7. After it done, lift up from the oven and leak the cake.
8. Slice the cake about two centimeters.
9. And the last serve with a cup of the.
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